How Do Winters Affect the Performance of Your Tyres?

Tyres play a crucial role in the performance of your vehicle on the roads. That’s because they are the only ones who touch the road and bear all the brutalities. While tyres are crucial for the car, they are also governed by many other factors. One such factor that regulates the performance of the tyres is the temperature outside the vehicle. While most of us hardly think in that direction, but the fact is, the weather of any place can decide the performance of the tyres to a great extent. Since these tyres keep running on the roads most of the time, they tend to lose their agility and degrade. 

The weather also has a big hand in this. There’s a change in the tyre pressure and the rubber of the compound of the tyres as well—the grip and handling of the vehicle change entirely with the change in season. For instance, in summers, you need tyres with a slightly hard rubber compound to combat the dry and hot roads of the season. At the same time, roads in winters are quite slippery because they are covered with snow and ice all the time. So car Tyres Leeds in this season needs a softer rubber compound to get maximum contact patch on the ground. 

So, we see, using the correct type of tyres in the seasons is vital for the safety on the roads. So, let’s see how temperature can affect the performance of these round black machines. 

How is temperature related to tyres?

  • The grip is the essential thing you’d like to see in the tyres when buying them. Manoeuvring and handling of the vehicle become accessible when the grip is there. Most importantly, you feel safe while driving. However, there are times when you experience less grip on the roads or you think that your vehicle is taking sides. In such cases, it’s difficult for you to keep up on the streets. Now such a scenario doesn’t always occur with worn-out tyres. This can also be because you are using the wrong tyres in that specific season. 
  • Driving can become a tedious task when the temperature outside is shallow. There are many catastrophes on the roads if you aren’t using winter tyres for your driving. 
  • Another thing that changes is the air pressure in your tyres. To drive safely, you need to maintain a certain amount of air in your tyres. It’s due to this air pressure that tyres can perform well. Both under-inflation and over-inflation are not suitable for your tyres. In winters, your tyres lose the air by 1 pound with every ten degrees drop in the temperature. That means the performance of your tyres deteriorates if you aren’t getting them checked frequently. It’s the air in your 4×4 tyres Leeds that supports the weight of the vehicle. 
  • The rubber compound of the tyres is the third most important thing that gets affected by the change in seasons. If you continue using summer tyres in the winter season, you’ll notice that the tyres’ rubber has hardened up, and your vehicle has become prone to accidents. That’s because you need a rubber compound that can go deep into the snow for the winters and hold the ground firmly. Ultra-high performance tyres can even crack on the roads. If you aren’t using winter tyres in the winter season, you play with your life here. 

How can you maintain your tyres in the winter season?

  • The first thing you need to do is switch to snow or winter tyres as the temperature drops below 7°C. Don’t think of saving money here as life is precious and safety is paramount. 
  • Keep checking the inflation of your tyres in the cold season. If it’s low, get it filled immediately. 
  • A lot depends on the driving style of any individual. Make sure you are accelerating at the recommended limits by the manufacturer. Else, you’re going to put unnecessary load on your tyres. 

Now the next time the temperature drops, you know what to do with your tyres. 

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