The top MOT blunders and how to prevent them?

Even the most comfortable and certain motorists can be terrified of their yearly MOT. No matter how brilliant you are, there is no assurance the vehicle is in equally fantastic form.

Simply stated, an Inspection will assess whether the vehicle is legal to operate on the street; but, it would not discover any hidden vehicle wellness problems, including brake or mechanical issues, that could lead to a future car failure.

Signals and lighting

  • Blown lights are the most common reason for problems, yet they’re also one of the easiest and quickest to repair.
  • Enlist a buddy to assist you in checking all the signals – forward, back, signals, and headlights before the testing.
  • You could also fail when your headlights had deflectors installed for traveling in Europe that you failed to remove. When you arrive home, double-check that they’ve fallen off.
  • Plastic lenses tend to fog up with time, and it’s recommended to invest in a tool to clean the headlights before the MOT.


Your vehicle’s suspension takes a beating on UK’s unplowed roads, patchworked streets, and chassis failures are becoming more regular — occurring in more than one out of every ten tests. There’s not much you might do as a pretest to avoid a loss aside from clambering under the vehicle; instead, schedule your yearly maintenance right before the testing and a professional can tell you. Pay close attention to the sounds the car makes daily, especially when turning or driving on uneven roads.

You may be excused for ignoring a leaking suspension system or even a broken spring because they are fairly well disguised.


If you notice a spongy clutch feeling or the vehicle sliding to the left side when braking, it’s an indication that the brake pads have to be replaced. Brakes must be refreshed every 50,000 miles, but based on the car’s performance, it may be earlier or after. Experts shouldn’t need to tell you how vital the brakes are, but one out of every ten automobiles fails the MOT because of brake problems.

That’s a concerning number, especially since the majority of flaws will be evident. Shrieking or grinding sounds from the wheels are both signals that the padding is nearing the end of its life. Is it stopping in a single direction or pulling to one way after braking?


Because the tyres will be the only component of the car that makes direct contact with the ground, they must be examined regularly every year to guarantee they’re in good working order. Test the tread level with a 20p coin throughout the entire width of the tyres. The tyres may be under the prescribed maximum if the outside circle of the penny is exposed. A vehicle can get all the safety features on the planet, however, if the four pieces of rubber that join the vehicle to the street aren’t up to the mark, you might be in for a disaster.

Tyres must be checked regularly, not only at MOT day, as they account for the commonly diagnosed MOT error rate.

The driver’s point of view on the road

Because being able to view all behind is vital, the automobile could fail spectacularly if the windshield is cracked or if you merely keep a telephone cradle fixed on the windshield for the testing. Refill the tank with water and check that the pumps are still functioning correctly.

Eliminate all cradles or labels, and repair any windshield cracks using resin before they turn into cracks. At most a rearview mirror must be functional and changeable; new, stick-on glass covers can be acquired for a low price.

Gasoline and exhaust pollutants, particularly in diesel automobiles, are becoming a more common reason for problems. It’s grown so popular that ‘Pre-MOT’ fuel packages are now available, which aid in the cleaning of the fuel line before the inspection. It’s a great idea to have a brief pre-test drive at higher speeds (on the highway) to heat the car and clear any dust.

The amount of power steering liquid in the tank should be at most at the minimal level. Steering liquids are not usually checked throughout MOT testing. Check it ahead of time and have it filled up if needed.

Problems that obstruct the driver’s vision of the roadway

Viewing the route is critical for road safety, yet faults impacting the driver’s perspective of the street account for 7.2 percent of MOT failures.

It could include items like modified sat-navs or cleaning products obscuring the windshield, as well as fractures and flaws in the motorist’s line of vision. It also asks if the bonnet should be shut properly. Is there a risk that it may pop up and restrict the view of the road?

Next, check the blades to verify if they’re in good working order. It’s also a great idea to refill the windshield washers before starting the test.

While it’s one of the most common reasons for a car failing its MOT, there are many other factors to consider. Before you make an appointment with a reputable garage, review the complete MOT in Stockport test and instructions for a comprehensive list.

Safety features and car seats

Car seats must be retracted, so take a couple of minutes to untangle any coiled or tangled belts and double-check that they are all securely fastened in place without disconnecting. A breakdown could also be caused by defective airbags — warning signals that have turned on inadvertently can frequently be adjusted for a nominal price at a repair.

Shape and body

There isn’t much you can do regarding rust, the edges may cause a failure. As a result, any incident harm or car body damage, like missing bumpers, should be repaired as soon as possible.

Registration plate

Your license plates should be legible and readable, thus your automobile could fail just because it’s unclean or the nightlight has gone out! Inspect this when you’re inspecting the rest of your lighting, and then clean the plates down with a damp cloth.

You must focus on Best Car Service in Stockport to ensure the vehicle does not fail the MOT inspection. Regular service can save you in different ways by ensuring you don’t fail the inspection.

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