What Should You Consider When You Need a New Set Of Tyres?

It is not possible to determine the exact lifespan of a tyre. However, you have to change your tyres after some years but there is not any expiry date like medicines. You have to observe some danger signs if you want to change your tyres.

The total life of your Goodyear Tyres Lutterworth depends on a number of factors.

If you are curious to know about the lifespan of your car tyres, you have to keep the following points in mind:

Tyre manufacturers make tyres for five to ten years

Most tyre makers recommend that you should be aware of the condition of your tyres after five years. At this time, your tyres are old enough to show signs like cracks or tread wear. It is better you let a mechanic check your tyres every year.

If your tyres seem good even after 10 years, it is the perfect time to change your old tyres.

Good maintenance is a key factor

You have to consider that proper maintenance increases the total life of your tyres. Therefore, you can expect more years with your tyres if you maintain them effectively. If your tyres are in good condition after 5+ years, it means you have been maintaining your tyres very efficiently.

Why do your tyres need maintenance?

Car tyres run on open roads. They face several factors that are ready to damage your tyres. Proper maintenance will reduce the bad effects of these factors. As a result, your tyres will wear at a slower rate and you will need a new set of tyres after a prolonged period of time. Generally, the following factors cause wear and tear in your tyres.

Impact damage

Your tyres will face wear and tear if they hit bumps, kerbs or potholes. Moreover, sharp, edged and pointed objects will damage the body of your tyres as well.

Road conditions

We have talked about bumps, potholes and road debris that damage your car tyres. Moreover, the temperature of the roads will affect the condition of your car tyres as well. Extremely cold and hot roads are not well for the tread rubber. Especially heat is the main enemy of the tyre rubber. The road material is also important for the factors like frictional force and heat. Substances like oil, chemicals, paints, and grease are present on roads to make it more slippery.

Weather and climatic factors

Standing water, snow, and ice are some faces of bad weather that damage your tyres quickly. Moreover, changing temperatures also cause problems for your tyres in different weather conditions. Strong sunlight, UV rays and heat are common factors to fasten the rate of ageing in tyres.

Driving habits

If you do not consider speed rating while driving your car, your tyres will be victims of the bad effects of heat and friction. Moreover, driving on damaged roads carelessly is also included in bad driving habits. Harsh braking and sharp cornering are also some habits that damage your car tyres.

Common mistakes

There are several mistakes that damage your tyres quickly. For example, using seasonal tyres in the wrong weather conditions is an example of a human mistake. Mixing tyres or fitting tyres wrongly is also a mistake that will cause wear and tear in tyres. Driving your vehicle on the wrong air pressure in the tyres is also a big mistake.

The danger signs

Your tyres will show the following danger signs when they are facing serious wear and tear:

Bald tyres are not favourable for driving. 1.6mm is the minimum tread depth limit in the UK. If the tread depth of your tyres has reached this limit, you need to change your tyres as soon as possible.

Bulges, cuts and cracks on the sidewall

You have to change your tyres if you observe bulges on their sidewall. Your tyres may face a blowout at any time because of the presence of a tyre bulge. Bulges on tyres indicate that your tyres have lost internal strength. Therefore, it is better if you buy a new set of tyres.

Similarly, cracks on the sidewall show that the tread rubber of your tyres is not ready to hold the road effectively. Cuts take place on tyres due to sharp objects like blades, kerbs, pieces of glass etc. Deep cuts damage the tyres seriously. Therefore, changing them is the only option.

Poor performance

Your tyres would not able to keep your car stable on roads. They would not provide proper grip while you turn or accelerate your vehicle. If you observe these signs and your tyres are more than five years old, you need a new set of tyres.

Preventive steps to slow down ageing in tyres

Wrong alignment, balancing and air pressure are responsible for uneven tread wear. Therefore, you must save your tyres from these issues. Check your tyres regularly to detect the signs like tread wear, bulges and cracks on tyres. Save your tyres from the factors like heat, direct sunshine and UV rays since these factors are responsible for ageing in tyres. Store your Tyres Lutterworth when you do not use them for a long time.

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