What Are The Facts You Should Know About Car Maintenance?

The mechanism of a car depends on several components. Components like tyres, steering, brakes, engine, and exhaust improve the performance of a vehicle if they do not have mechanical faults. On the other hand, faults in these vital components will decrease the overall performance of your vehicle.

You can preserve car components for a long time with the help of proper Car Servicing Leicester.

A car driver has to consider many factors when driving their vehicle. Only movement of a vehicle is not the main concern but a car owner has to consider other factors like safety and comfort at the same time. Moreover, the health of a vehicle is also vital because you would not like to buy a costly vehicle repeatedly just because of poor maintenance.

In this blog, we are going to talk about the most considerable things about car maintenance.

Have a look!

Car servicing overview

When you buy a car, you get a user manual with the vehicle. Your user manual is a primary source of information about car servicing. The user manual tells you about common preventive steps that you must take to keep your car in good condition. Moreover, this document contains a schedule for car servicing that you must follow by visiting a service station regularly.

Proper car servicing of your car ensures smooth movement of your vehicle on roads. Moreover, the absence of mechanical faults in the system is the main objective of a car servicing session.

A car servicing schedule may involve chancing vital components of your vehicle, such as brakes, exhaust, tyres, and clutches. Moreover, steps like changing the air filter, changing the oil, and checking and changing spark plugs are also a vital part of car servicing.

Garages and car service centers usually provide three common types of car services: interim, full, and major.

An interim service is a basic service that you may need once a year. This service ensures that your vehicle has no faults and it runs on roads smoothly.

A full service is the next level of interim service. During the service session, the mechanic will check parts of your car thoroughly to detect warning signs and problems. Changing oil and filters are common steps that are usual in this service.

Major Service is a comprehensive service that includes vital components, such as brakes, exhaust, engine, brakes, and suspension systems. The mechanic changes faulty parts and improves the overall condition of car components.

Warning lights

Modern smart cars come with a dashboard that may inform you about the condition of your car. Do not ignore the warning lights on your dashboard if they are switched on.

If possible a warning light on the dashboard tells you about only a minor fault but you must pay attention to the issue to fix the problem instantly.

Importance of a reliable car service center

There are several benefits of regular car service but you can get these advantages only with a reliable service provider. Reliable service centers have a team of efficient technicians. Moreover, they respond promptly when you reach their garage with a faulty car. Modern car service centers allow their customers to get their car services at their homes with the help of a mobile van.

You can easily find a reliable service station with the help of the Internet. Browse multiple websites of car service stations and compare them to make a good decision.

Choose a garage that has an experienced team and provides high-quality services at an affordable price.

Maintenance Checklist

Read this list and check the vital components of your vehicle to improve its condition.

Inspect car tyres:

Check your tyres because they are vital for the performance and stability of your car. Check air pressure in car tyres because high and low air pressure will make your tyres inefficient in both dry and wet conditions. Moreover, the wrong air pressure is not a good condition for the health of your car tyres.

Check your car tyres for the warning signs like tread wear, bulges, and cracks because these warning signs are not repairable. So, you have to replace your tyres as soon as possible.

Check the fluid level:

Fluids are essential for the mechanism of a car. These fluids include coolant, brake fluid, engine oil, steering fluid, and gearbox fluid.

You have to check these fluids for their levels, leakage issues, and contamination.

Check the lights:

Change the non-working and broken lights. Damaged lights can be responsible for serious issues like road accidents. Check headlights, tail lights, and indicators on your own or with the help of a mechanic.

Check and change the air filter:

A clean air filter is vital for the proper functions of a car engine. Dust and other tiny particle may block it to affect the efficiency of a car engine. Change the air filter regularly according to the instructions of the car manual.

Check the car battery:

Change the dead battery due to an unresponsive vehicle. Check and clean the terminals of your battery because they usually face the issue of corrosion.


You have to consider a lot of factors to keep your car healthy for a long time. If you preserve your car with the help of maintenance tips like Oil Filter Change Leicester, checking the air pressure in tyres, and checking fluid level, you will keep your vehicle healthy for a long time. Moreover, you will always drive your car with a peaceful mind. So, do not ignore the instructions in your car manual, and visit a service station regularly.

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